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Sabin Howard

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"When we look at a life model for more than five minutes, the body as we know it disintegrates, and transcendence occurs. I could see beyond surface reality into more of the human being. The fullness or internal pressure that I was creating in my sculptures was nothing less than life force energy carrying the unique spirit and soul of the individual."

Sabin Howard

Only on the surface is my sculpture “realist.” In fact, it’s extremely abstract. It’s a metaphor for the wondrous—even miraculous—universal order of how things are put together. Forms are perceived and constructed as pushing out into space, mimicking the expansive nature of how the universe is designed. I work in traditional fashion, looking at life models, translating the skeleton in architectural terms and developing a structural framework in the gesture. The framework is linked to the organic spiral of muscles as they travel through this architectonic system. The end result is organic architecture.

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